Introducing the BOMBIC Finance Uniswap Liquidity Rewards Program

Bombic Finance
2 min readMar 29, 2021

The first BOMBIC ecosystem liquidity mining program is going live on Uniswap!

BOMBIC is launching a liquidity mining program to reward BOMBIC/USDC liquidity providers on Uniswap V2. We will be setting aside 55,287 BOMBIC per reward period for participants. Each reward period will last approximately 1 month.

By incentivizing BOMBIC LPs with rewards, we aim to bootstrap the necessary liquidity to minimize costs/slippage and build long-term value for our ecosystem.

BOMBIC Liquidity Mining Rewards Program

In addition to the 0.3% trading fees earned via Uniswap, whitelisted LPs will also earn their share of the 55,287 BOMBIC tokens, proportionate to how much you contribute to the pool.

How to qualify

1. Provide liquidity in the BOMBIC/USDC Uniswap V2 pool for a minimum of 30 days.

2. Whitelist your address here.

3. That’s it!

Additional Information

· You can learn how to become an LP here.

· We require 900 USDC minimum.

· Start date: immediately

· Recommended reading: please read this article if you’ve never participated as a LP before.

· The available rewards are divided throughout the entire pool. If someone is providing liquidity and does not whitelist their address, their share of the rewards will not be redistributed to the rest of the pool.

· The program will continue monthly unless we announce otherwise.


Please bear in mind that BOMBIC has no control over transactions, lost funds, or impermanent loss on Uniswap.

Daily ROI is constantly changing as more people participate and new liquidity is added.

The individual tokens you eventually withdraw from the pool can consist of a larger share of USDC than BOMBIC or vice versa.

We reserve the right to cancel or modify this campaign at any time.



BOMBIC Finance makes DeFi safer by providing insurance coverage for assets across chains in custom balanced liquidity pools. With BOMBIC, Users can select risk pools by choosing any combination of protocols/assets and their coverage terms (premium, cover period, etc). Liquidity Providers, on the other hand, can invest in pools that suit their risk/reward ratio.

